Friday, September 12, 2008

Retro Sherry

For those of you who read my blog often, you know that most of what I post is about my kids. However, today I'm airing a bit of my own dirty (well, in this case, fringed) laudry. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I figure- if you can't laugh at yourself, you're taking yourself and everyone else way too seriously. I certainly don't mind a good laugh at my own expense sometimes. Here's the catch, though. I'm making a game out of it. Posted below is a link to a video I found on YouTube of Club Dance, a country dance show I used to appear on regularly in my college years (I know, this is very hard for some of you to imagine). There are only three or four legitimate Club Dance episodes on YouTube, and most of them were before my time. However, I did find one episode that I appear in. There's a somewhat lengthy closeup shot of me and some other folks doing a line dance. However, you can't see my face because the camera men were shooting us from behind. So, see if you can guess which one is me. Leave a message on this post and give me your guess based on what I am wearing.

And if you do figure out which dancer I am, please feel free to roll on the floor, since that it what I do every time I see it. :) P.S. I am not being interviewed in this one.


The Coach's Wife said...

did my fb flair inspire a bit of nostalgia??? love it! :-)

Sherry said...

As a matter of fact, yes. :) An old Club Dance friend of mine started a CD Facebook group, and that's where I came across the YouTube video. Did you figure out which one is me? Hint: I show up at about 1:05/1:06.