Saturday, August 9, 2008

Girls Bring more Game

Caroline wore a pink t-shirt with this on it as she attended soccer camp this week. This was her first experience with organized soccer, and she had a great time! The first day, she came home and said, "Mommy, I was about to make a goal, and then someone took the ball away from me!" :) I had to explain to her that this is the way soccer works, and that next time, she should just take that ball right back! She agreed. I didn't get any photos or videos of her at soccer camp, but here is a short video of her practicing in the back yard.

At the Beach

Even though school doesn't start here until September 2nd (can you believe that?!), we feel the summer quickly slipping away from us. Last weekend, we decided to take advantage of some free time to take the girls down to Virginia Beach (about 45 minutes from our house). We all had a great time! Caroline, of course, made a little friend, and Claire enjoyed watching the waves and letting the tide rush over her feet. It was a great way to beat the heat.

Those Little Moments...

Thursday evening, Dave brought out the camera as Claire was being a ham. A while back, she started tapping us on our heads and saying, "dong!" For a couple of months now, she has entertained herself repeatedly just by saying, "dong!" over and over again. Just one of those little silly quirks that makes her unique. This particular evening, she wouldn't stop. As Dave was capturing all of this on our camera, Claire spontaneously looked at me and said, "I love you." Now, to all of you skeptics: I know, I know, her jibbering may have just came out that way, but I don't care. We all heard "I love you" very clearly. And you never know, she could very well have really been professing her affections for me. Claire is a very smart kid. :)

Here is the video Dave recorded. Listen very carefully to Claire. Sorry about the mess on our kitchen table. We were in the midst of finishing dinner/cleaning up. And the video itself is a little dark. Just goes to show that those special moments don't wait for perfection. :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Shack

Those of you who know me well know that words are my life. I don't just read for knowledge, information or entertainment; I let every word I read sit in my mouth so that I may savor its imagery. I am not one who typically loves a top-seller or commercial read (couldn't really get hooked on The Davinci Code, for instance) , but every once in a while, I find a book in such category that really grips me. One such recent selection has been The Shack by William P. Young.

Now, let me first say that, though most reviews of this book have deemed it nothing less than stellar, some people do find offense reading it. This is primarily because God is portrayed as (gasp) a woman throughout most of the book, although this portrayal later changes. Mr. Young has a good reason in doing this, but I won't explain, as this would reveal too much of the plot for anyone who might want to read the book. Also, some people have tried to pick at details in the book, complaining that some aspects do not line up precisely with the Bible. I am not a Biblical scholar, yet I do know the Bible well enough that I did notice some slight deviances. However, those small, wayward moments in the book were non-offensive and very menial compared to the absolutely beautiful story of God's love.

Though I certainly see God as omniscient and all-powerful, my view of God is primarily that of daddy and friend. I often find a pillow, close my eyes, rest my head on the pillow, and then imagine that it is God's lap. I imagine God comforting me in his lap just as I comfort my little ones in my lap. There, resting my head on God's lap, I talk to Him much like I would talk to my dad, and He, in turn, gives me comfort and love that is unimaginable. That comfort and love is very real to me. When I'm talking to God in this way, I feel like it is just Him and me. This book portrays God in a very personal and individualized way, and that is why I loved it so much.

I recommend you all go out and buy a copy of The Shack. I bought mine at Lifeway, although I'm sure you can find it at any bookstore, as it is a New York Times bestseller. I hope you all are touched by it as I was.

Friday, August 1, 2008

It's Almost Football Time in Tennessee!

The Muppets and UT football have always been big in my life, so in celebration, I just have to share this video with you! Click on the link below. GO VOLS!!

"Virginians will Dance or Die!"

An 18th century diarist said it so well! For Virginians in the colonial period, dance was their dearest diversion.

While Mom was visiting, she sweetly offered to watch the girls one evening while Dave and I went out. We were originally going to try to see a movie, but we realized we'd have to rush through dinner to make it on time. As evident in so many of my posts, Dave and I LOVE spending a quiet evening in Colonial Williamsburg, but most of the time we have the girls with us so we have to forego the quiet, if you know what I mean.

So we were thrilled to get the chance to eat at one of the restaurants we'd been wanting to try and then stroll down the street to the Governor's Palace for An Evening of Dance. The event is spectacular! I wish I could have taken more photos, but to preserve the historic "aura," guests can only takes pictures before and after the dance. We all gathered in the palace ballroom and were greeted by some fancily-clad characters ready to host an evening of dance much like one often enjoyed by colonial Virginians in their large plantations by the river.

We watched as romantic drama played out among the colonial party-goers, and we watched them perform exquisite reels, minuets and cotillions. The musicians were wonderful and the candlelit chandeliers made the ballroom look lovely. Once in a while, the colonial dancers would pair up with the party-goers to teach a more complicated dance. Dave was selected to join one of the colonial ladies in a reel. He did quite well, despite his two left feet. :) Below is a picture of him and his dance teacher.

Nana's Visit

A couple of weeks ago, we enjoyed Nana's annual summer visit! She stayed with us for a week and spoiled the girls with tons of kisses, hugs, slumber parties, sweets and other such goodies-- she's got this nana gig down pat! :)

While Nana was here, the weather was scorching, so we spent a lot of time playing at home. My mom is the type that loves to get down and roll all around the floor with the girls and make them feel like they are the most important people in her life. I enjoy how she turns into a big kid whenever the girls are around. But she's always been that way. I think my sister and I probably rolled our eyes a few times over it, but she was always super-involved and very interested in everything we did as kids. And now that she's a nana, she's that times ten. Where does all her energy come from?! :)

We had a wonderful time with you, Nana! The only thing that could have made it any better would have been having Pop with us, too! We miss you both so much!