Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Do Old Fads Really Die Hard?

So, what do you think? Is Claire taking her hair advice from Flock of Seagulls?

Nastalgia often creeps into our house in funny ways. When Caroline misbehaves in the van, her first consequence is often that Dave and I find an '80s station and sing at the top of our lungs. I think it just might be worse than Chinese water torture to her. There's just something about relentless rounds of "99 Luftballoons" that changes her attitude. :)

Speaking of great products of the '80s, I watched the Today Show a couple of weeks ago to find out that the New Kids on the Block are getting back together! Many of you probably don't share my enthusiasm (especially if you were a pre-teen male in 1989), but for those of you who were fans of the boys from Boston, look for them to perform live together for the first time in years on the Today Show sometime in May. Check out the famous boy band's Web site at to see how the years have treated them. Can you beleive they're pushing 40?!

I wonder what kind of music, hairstyles and clothing trends my kids will find to be cool? Or will the word "cool" make its way out of the limelight by then? :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I am my Kids' Mom!

These days I don't have much time to read, so books on CD have been some of my best friends in the van. It's amazing how fast one can finish a multi-chapter masterpiece just by popping it in the player for ten minutes here and there. Recently, I have fallen in love with the book Parenthood by Proxy, by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. For those of you who don't know who she is, check on my link to her Web site on the top, left-hand side of the my blog. She is truly a champion for families and, in particular, kids' most important need-- a mom and dad who put parenting far above any other responsiblity they have.

The subtitle of this book says it all, in my opinion. It reads, "Don't have them if you won't raise them." And so I would say to all of my parental readers: Skip out on primetime TV tonight, cook a meal with your kids, take a walk down your street as a family, read to your kids as many books as they desire (this is a BIG one with me), don't be afraid to tell your kids "no," find at least three ways every day to praise your children, and read Dr. Schlessinger's book.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Long Time No Post!

Okay, so it's been quite a while since I posted anything new! What a slacker I am! So, let's see... Since January, much has happened. Claire celebrated her first birthday in February! Here's a little tribute to my baby!

We had a wonderful time celebrating with Mom and Dad, as Dad and Claire share the same birthday! (Dad claims she is his baby since they "have the same birthday, you know.") :)

In March, we had a fabulous visit from our friends, Kypp and Neda, who live in Florida. We were so sad to see them go! It's amazing how we don't see some friends for so long, but when we finally get together it's like there was never any time apart...

Then we celebrated Easter at Mom and Dad's house:

Then, in April, we enjoyed a visit from our friends from Georgia: The Frix family and Courtney! Here, the girls are making smiley-face pizzas with tons of pepperoni! Miss you lots, friends!

And, of course, we've been enjoying Springtime in Williamsburg and the Historic Triangle! Some of the following pictures are from when two Flat Stanleys visited from Missouri! For those of you who don't know Flat Stanley, he is a fictional cartoon character that has been flattened by a billboard and often mails himself to friends around the world. Some teachers got the great idea to have their students mail their own Flat Stanleys to friends throughout the counrty and around the world. Those friends then are to take Flat Stanley around their neighborhoods and cities and take pictures of him taking part in local activities and seeing the sites! Well, our Flat Stanleys had a great time in Williamsburg and Jamestown!