Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten!

Here's the post you've all been waiting for! Caroline started kindergarten last week! She awoke extra early in great anticipation of her day. York County Schools are hard core; no half days for her! We took her to school at 8:15, and I picked her up at 2:56. Dave, Claire and I walked her into school as soon as the doors opened. I told Mrs. Bennett, her teacher, that I was going to be one of "those moms" who annoyingly documented everything her child did before they finally kicked me out of the school. But it didn't really happen that way. Dave took Claire out into the hall to walk around as I took a few pictures of Caroline at her desk, and then she looked up at me, rolled her eyes a little, but then spoke gently so as not to hurt my feelings too much and said, "It's okay, Mom. It's time for you to go now." I was thrilled that she felt so comfortable and excited about her first day of school, but I secretly yearned for her to throw her arms around my neck in a last-ditch plea for hugs and kisses. When it didn't happen, we watched from the door as she quickly introduced herself to the little girl sitting next to her. Then after Dave went to work and Claire went down for her morning nap, I noticed how very noisy a quiet house can actually be...

This week, Dave and I each went to school to have lunch with Caroline. We were both so impressed with how well mannered she was in the cafeteria. She surprised me this week, and despite my apprehensions, wanted to ride the bus, which I think might be her favorite activity of the day. And so far, she loves homework and insists on doing more than is assigned. I hope this enthusiasm keeps up all throughout all her school years!


The Coach's Wife said...

yay, caroline! how exciting! and, of course, she looks super-cute in all her pink. hugs to you all!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Sis and Uncle Allen are so very proud of their Lovie!! We knew she would take to school like a duck in water. YEA CAROLINE!!